18 August 2011

What No One Ever Tells You

            Sure, you hear that stripping is hard work mentally but you never really get it until you're part of it. Yes, you're making a lot of money but it's not "easy" money. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either arrogant or lying.

            The club takes a toll on your body, physically and mentally. The shoes hurt your feet, your back hurts, your legs hurt and you're exhausted by the end of the night. You've dealt with grimy, horny, smelly, asshole men all night who grovel over you for your looks.

            It really makes you question your worth as a person. Being able to make a living on your looks is fantastic for self confidence, for sure, but to a point. It blurs the line between love and lust and makes you wonder. If I didn't have someone to come home to who loves me for who I am, inside and out, no matter what, I don't think I could do this job. He really keeps me sane and happy. I've got a keeper here for sure.

            Personally, I go through periods of wanting to work all the time, and dreading work like it's the plague. There will be a 2 week period where all I want to do it work, make money and repeat. Then I'll fall into a funk, so to speak. I will sleep late, put off getting ready for work and rationalize to myself why I don't have to go in that day. All while being in a shitty mood.

            So, a word of caution to those of you thinking of starting in this industry. It captures you. The money keeps you in because you get used to it. No other job with no trained skills will give you money like this. That's why women are still working with kids, in their 30's, with no end in sight. So if you want to start, make sure you're in school or saving to go back. You don't want to do this forever.

            In the end, I think it's really important to take days off when you need them, pamper yourself with nice things like shoes and massages, and enjoy life outside of work. Of course, I haven't done any of those things in quite a while, except take days off. *sigh* Practice what you preach, right? I'll work on that.


  1. I really love your blog! Please come back! I'm a 25 year old college student looking into stripping part time. Are you still in the business or did you stop? So far you have the most interesting and helpful blog on this topic :)

    1. Funny enough, I just found out this is still active! I haven't thought about it in years. I am out of the business now (also 25 now), it feels like a whole other lifetime ago. On the outside, it seems like a good idea. Fast, easy money, right? Right. But it is VERY hard to leave the industry (for several reasons). Maybe I'll start writing again, from the other side now.

  2. Hi, I just wanted to tell you I love your blog and I was hoping we could get a life update. When did you quit and why? Did you continue school? What happened with you and your bf? Sincerely, a college student considering stripping

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