18 August 2011

May - Back to Work

            So, I'm back to work as of the start of May. I had taken a couple months off, and I'll explain why later. Boyfriend has since lost his job (idiotic reason, I don't want to get into it) so I have to support us both, for the most part.

            The weather has been awful all month which makes the club empty. It's been on and off for me since I got back to work, earning much less than I was before. Not nearly what I was making in September. Apparently though, according to girls who have been doing this for years, once the weather gets consistently good and girls are wearing skirts and tank tops, the guys get horny and go into the clubs. At that point, it gets good everywhere.

            I'm counting on it. For the last couple weeks, I've made about $1200 each week working 4-5 nights. Not nearly enough. I should be making that in a really good night, maybe two decent ones.

            Because I can't afford to not make money right now, I've been doing what I can to step up my game. I've been watching other girls who I know make money. One thing I've been told several times is that I'm too "nice". I have a cute, girl next door, innocent look. I've been told that I am elegant and graceful. Usually, these would be great things to hear. In my case, it's not. I need to be more slutty, more flirty and most of all act as if I'm willing to do extras.

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