18 August 2011

Top 12 Tips for New Dancers

 Here is my compiled list of tips for new dancers.

1.      Walk slowly through the club, looking at each potential customer. If someone looks at you longer than normal, smiles and/or you just get the vibe they are into you, go talk to them. If you don't look, you won't see. If you walk too fast, the guys won't get to look at you either.

2.      As with many things in life, confidence is key. If you walk around with your head down, unsure of yourself, you won't make a dollar. Walk with confidence. You are the shit. The men are there because they want to be turned on. They will look at you and see what they like. If you are insecure about something, which everyone undoubtedly is, ignore it while at work. Embrace what you love about yourself. Whether it be your curves, or your legs, or your boobs, or your eyes, embrace it. Love it. It will show.

3.      Never ever let the first thing you say to a customer be, "Would you like to go for a dance?". Countless times, I have seen girls walk up to men, quickly blurt out their question and have to walk away. Yes, you are there to work. But the men aren't there to spend money on the first girl who talks to them. They are there to find a girl that fits their fantasy "type" and be seduced by her. Talk to your target, get to know him.

4.      When talking to your customer, be flirty. You want him to believe that you're into him. Make it about him. Put your hands on his shoulders, play with the buttons on his shirt, whisper in his ear. He could be an 80 year old, foul smelling, creepy man, but you need to focus on something, anything, about this guy that you find attractive. Maybe he's wearing nice glasses, or smells good, or has nicely coloured eyes. If there is absolutely nothing, think about the money in his pocket ;)

5.      If it's a slow night, or you're tired, or you simply aren't getting any dances, do not sit or stand on the floor for too long. Actually, never sit. Standing on the floor for a few minutes can be a good thing, because if you missed someone or someone you already talked to changed their mind, they can come up to you. However, don't stay long. Go sit in the changeroom instead. If a guy sees you standing around, not busy, he won't want you. Men want what they can't have. They want what everyone else wants. If you only make sparse appearances and maximize the time you're on the floor, you'll be busier.

6.      Whatever you do, do not get drunk at work. Sure, have a drink or two throughout the night if you want. Some girls need to have a drink before they can go on stage. But absolutely do not get drunk. If you were working at a retail store, or in an office, or anywhere else, you wouldn’t drink on the job, right? Same rule applies, for several reasons. If you get drunk, you won't make any money. You won't be able to focus and you're just wasting your time. Frankly, you look like an idiot. If you want to go out and drink, go to a bar or a club. Not work. Also, you become vulnerable when you've been drinking. Your guard isn't up as much and guys can take advantage of that, as with any situation where you've drank too much. When a guy does something in the back that you don't want him to, you need to be alert in order to control the situation. It's a safety issue for you. So, either know your limit and stay well below it, or just don't drink. Personally, I don't drink while I'm working at all. I have water and energy drinks, and that's it.

7.      When walking through the club, run your hand along a guy's shoulders as you walk by. But don't go talk to him right away. Look back as you're walking away and smile or wink. This way, he will remember you. He'll be intrigued. He'll want to talk to you. Come back to him within 10-15 minutes.

8.      Alright so here's a touchy one. I don't know if this applies to all clubs, but at the one's I've worked at the general rule is that you don't talk to young black guys. I'm sorry to all the stand-up black guys out there who are being ignored for this, but this is a case where the few involved have ruined it for the rest. Generally, the mid-twenties black men who come in are pimps. They usually come in pairs or 3 of them. They will call you over, never go for a dance with you and waste your time. They'll be suave and charming and flirty. They'll ask for your number and if they can take you out sometime. If you get caught up talking to someone who sounds like that, just walk away. You don't have to be rude about it, but leave. They're wasting your time and contributing to an epidemic of human trafficking that is unnecessary and cruel. Don't feel bad, these are not good people.

9.      When you start at a new club, don't talk to any of the other dancers unless they talk to you. Don't even look at them. Get dressed and go on the floor. Girls who have established themselves at a particular club don't like when new girls come in. It's competition, plain and simple. Some girls will even get nasty with new girls. I, myself, don't like when new girls come in either. I try not to be mean, but I'm certainly not nice. No benefit for me, sorry ladies. In time, you'll get to know girls and things'll be fine.

10.  Don't count your money while at work. It's not…classy. Don't show off, it's going to bite you in the ass. Wait until you get home, it will still be there. If you really need to count it, make sure you're alone, or in the bathroom or something.

11.  If you're freelancing for the first time, or you're still new, at a club then you'll be okay, but if you're sticking around make sure to pick your stage songs carefully. If you're new, its ok because everyone knows that you don't know what songs play normally. But pay attention to the songs other girls dance to. If someone is dancing to a song you want to dance to, too bad. Pick another one. Reason one: no one wants to hear the same song a million times in one night. Reason two: the girl whose song that is will probably not be too happy that you've taken her song. If you want to use it, you'd better ask her. (Unless of course you don't know her. Then just pick a new one).

12.  Last, but not least: have a goal. When you get to work, set yourself a goal for the end of the night. Make sure it's realistic though. I like to go in with a few different goals. First, I start with a nightly goal: what I plan to go home with. Then, I figure out what I need hourly to make that happen (usually though, you make a ton one hour and then nothing the next so it's hard to judge by hour). Next, I set a goal I need to get to before I can have dinner. Usually, I set it at $200-$300 before I can eat, except lately I've been leaving this rule out because it's been so slow. Throughout the night, I'll say "okay, I'm going to talk to x-amount of guys before I can take a quick break," or "$x more before I can take a break", again keeping it realistic. This helps keep you motivated throughout the night, and completing smaller goals feels like you're accomplishing more. Compete with yourself. Try to beat what you made the night before.


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  2. If you'd like an alternative to casually picking up girls and trying to figure out the right thing to do...

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  3. These spam posts are ridiculous

  4. What did you use to carry around your cash with in the club? Where do you put it when you're talking up a customer or giving a lap dance? I'd like to know this sort of stuff before I go in so I'm prepared.
