18 August 2011


            Alright, in case you don't know what "extras" are, they are anything performed in the club that is not a lap dance, and is not sanctioned by the club or the law. It can be anything from a hand job to sex to weird fetish stuff. In short, anything a guy pays extra for.

            Now, the club I'm at is not the cleanest. In fact, it's pretty much a dumpster. More like a brothel than anything else. Within the week or so that I had worked there, I had seen girls giving guys blow jobs, I had seen girls having sex with customers and had customers of my own proposition me for extras. It was gross. I had heard the phrases, "what else do you do?" and "how much for a blowjob?" far too many times. It was becoming frustrating. It seemed to me like I was the only girl there who didn't do any of that.

            I decided to try another club. I searched for a list of strip clubs in my area and read reviews. Looks like extras go on in all the clubs, to some degree at least. I find one that's still close to home and head there.

            I pull up, in my rusty old Civic and see the neon "Girls, Girls, Girls" sign out front. This must be it. I get that nauseas feeling you get when you're nervous. This club looks much different inside. Still dirty, yes. Still has gum on the walls, yes. There are flashing lights everywhere though and the girls, from what I can tell so far, are much more attractive. I register and receive a tour. This one has three changerooms, and the washroom is separate. Bonus.

            I pick a changeroom and quickly get dressed. The other girls stare and give me not-so-friendly looks. I try to ignore them and am on my way. I am still asked about extras by many but I deal with it. Again, I walk away satisfied with a wad of cash in my pocket at the end of the night.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for clarifying this. I have searched everywhere and it sounded like you pretty much have to do extras to make anything. Thank goodness you cleared that one up.
