2 September 2011


            I worked a double shift the other day (open to close) and it was awesome. I made more than double of what I average in a regular shift and it felt great to have worked for so long and accomplished so much. I felt so good I took a three day weekend and vowed to do the same for at least one day the next week. 

            See, when you take a day off here and there, it doesn't feel like you're really taking any time off at all. That whole day off, you're constantly thinking about work the next day. When you take 2 or more days you get to really relax and enjoy your time off. I decided that to be able to work at least 5 shifts a week still but also take time off, I should do a double once a week.

            So I got up early on Thursday, took a shower and got ready for work. I was pumped and ready to go make tons of money and relax for the rest of the weekend. I got to work and there were almost no customers. On top of that, there were a ton of girls. I got ready anyway and went onto the floor. I talked to everyone that I could to no avail. Went for a smoke while I waited for new customers to come in and came back to the same thing. Eventually there were more people but you could see the VIP room wasn't very lively, the guys weren't going anywhere. The only guys back there were getting very cheap (too cheap) extras from dirty new girls. The club's regulars, including myself, were not pleased. Sure, do your thing, hustle how you want to hustle, but a) be discrete about it, and b) make sure your prices line up with the prices already used at that club. Over the last week, there's been 4 fights between girls and 3 of them were regular girls bitching at new girls for their prices and their lack of discretion. 

            Anyway, after the day shift was over I was in a terrible mood. I was tired and my feet hurt like crazy. The less busy you are, the more they hurt too. Standing around and walking makes it worse but when you get dances, your feet get a rest. After my DJ fee, I would have less than minimum wage. I got $100 quickly from a customer on his way out and headed out for another smoke. I had 7 hours left til I could go home.

            No way in hell I was putting up with 12+ hours of work to leave with a possible few hundred dollars. Even if it picked up on the floor, I was in such a bad mood and so tired that it wouldn't be worth it. I wouldn't get any dances. I feigned sick, payed the night shift DJ fee and headed home to Boyfriend. All-in-all, not worth it at all. Looks like I'm going to have to rethink my plan. There is a girl I work with though who works from 1pm or 2pm until just before night shift cut-off (so 8 or 9) and says she makes decent money. I guess with day time, like night shifts, there's good days and bad days. This just happened to be a very bad day.

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